Dangerously 3D

3D is the safe place for training dangerous subjects

I developed several training solutions that simulate devices that address dangerous problems. In some cases a detailed digital model was created and used in several modules. In other cases a technique called 2.5-D was used that did not require a model.

In all cases the training objectives justified the time and expense required to develop a 3D solution:

A Rare Critical Situation

Pre-Release Training
Role: Instructional Designer, Photographer, Trainer, Author (including compositing animations into compositions, programming and design.) Role: Photographer, Author (including compositing, Design, Interface, Programming)

Device Scarcity

Critical and Dangerous Situations
Role: Instructional Designer, Photographer, Trainer, Author Role: Author, including concept design, compositing animations, programming, instructional design and writing)

2.5D Working Example

Expensive Situations
Role: Author: including concept design, compositing animations, programming, instructional design and writing) Role: Multimedia Programmer, Animation, Compositing, Fire SFX/Animation


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