Author: David J McClelland
“What if GitLab could do everything I need without integrating other tools?”

I left PTC/Thingworx in 2021 and now work for an SEIM unicorn named DEVO.

The minified version of jquery-migrate can still show outdated components in the console.

Some notes on graphQL using a hosted sandbox.

Reproduce a tell-tale script to confirm a vulnerability.
Rebuild with the fixed version.
Confirm the vulnerability was fixed.
All in the browser.
You can use REST to generate and update mashups based on data once you understand the data structure and vocabulary of mashups and widgets.
I just need to minify one file. Does that really mean I have to write a gulp task? The answer is emphatically “Yes!” You will minimize another file at some time in the future....

There are some aspects of using Burp Suite that are easy to miss…
nvd3 charts compared…